Upcoming Classes

Fall 2024 (Hybrid)

12 class days | Sept 10 - Dec 12


Session 1 – Sept 10, 11, 12 (in-person)

Session 2 – Sept 30, Oct 1 (online)

Session 3 – Oct 22, 23 (online)

Session 4 – Nov 12, 13 (online)

Session 5 – Dec 10, 11, 12 (in-person)


Spring (1) 2025 (Hybrid)

12 class days | Jan 7 - May 1


Session 1 – Jan 7, 8, 9 (in-person)

Session 2 – Feb 3, 4 (online)

Session 3 – Mar 4, 5 (online)

Session 4 – Apr 1, 2 (online)

Session 5 – Apr 29, 30, May 1 (in-person)

Spring (2) 2025 (Virtual)

12 class days | Mar 24 - Jun 26


Session 1 – Mar 24, 25, 26 (online)

Session 2 – Apr 21, 22, 23 (online)

Session 3 – May 19, 20, 21 (online)

Session 4 –  Jun 24, 25, 26 (online)

Why Earn Coaching Certification at Rutgers?

Leadership Coaching instructor in class

You'll "unlearn" as you develop a coaching mindset. Coaching requires a patient, curious mindset that is unwaveringly "in service" of your client. That often requires unlearning the rapid problem-solving skills that often have produced career-long success for you in other roles.  

Leadership Coaching instructor in class

You'll build upon the best of management consulting and adult education. You'll untangle the complex challenges that confront executives today. That's why Rutgers has partnered with Heidrick & Struggles, the premier provider in leadership consulting services, to conduct our state-of-the-art coach training sessions.

Rutgers executive coaching class

You’ll join a tight network of leadership coaches. Your value as a coach grows by sharing insights, gaining new perspectives, and ongoing learning opportunities -- with our alumni and advisors in the field of executive and leadership coaching. 

ICF- Accredited Coaching Education Level 2 Logo

You’ll earn the most respected credential in Leadership Coaching. Benefit from a certificate from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and Rutgers, where we’ve been training leaders since 1766.

Rutgers executive coaching class

You'll leave as a team energized to help people. Leadership Coaches are guided by shared passion for service. As you share your own coaching "brand" on the final day of class, the energy in the room is electric. You all know and feel that you're part of something bigger than your selves. 



Great Coaches Must Learn by Doing

You’ll dive into tough executive coaching problems, based on actual cases, throughout this 132-hour program over four months. This highly participatory program requires you to be “fully present” for all activities, practice coaching sessions, individual and team online meetings, and independent readings. You’ll draw heavily on your professional and personal experiences to develop and share insights as an increasingly tight, interactive group. Participants who complete program requirements earn a certificate that meets the academic requirements for ICF’s Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials. Learn more about ICF Certification.

Learning Concepts

Leadership Coaching Foundation: You’ll explore what makes an insightful and effective coach by examining the foundations of coaching and how they’re built upon a strong understanding of adult learning.

Creating Awareness: You’ll discover how to be fully present, how to build trust, and how to establish authenticity with business coaching clients.

Language and Emotion: You’ll learn to appreciate and understand language and emotions to create lasting, purposeful conversations with clients.

Performance and Change: You’ll learn to apply your developing coaching skills to improve both accountability and business performance.  This is where you’ll help clients and their organizations generate strong returns from their investment and confidence in you as a coach.

The Process and Business of Coaching: You’ll explore how to make your insights pay for both you and your clients. You'll decide how to define and differentiate your executive coaching niche and promote your unique brand and value.


Christopher Brookfield is a principal in Heidrick & Struggles’ Washington DC office and a member of Heidrick Consulting. With more than 15 years of coaching, group facilitation, and training experience, he is co-program director of the Leadership Coaching for Organizational Performance program. A former CEO of multi-million dollar company, Chris applies his experience to help executives build their leadership capacity and translate it into improved performance for their organizations.  Chris holds a master of business administration from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and a bachelor of arts in psychology from Duke University, and he served for three years on the board of directors of the Metro DC International Coach Federation.

Annalise Matulewicz is the Principal of Build IN, a national performance and workshop practice. Annalise’s approach to partnering with clients has been shaped by more than 20 years of driving revenue through building and leading high-performing, international sales teams.  As a coach with clients that range from C-level executives to emerging leaders, she has earned a reputation as both a catalyst for inspiring authentic leadership and igniting positive change. In addition to teaching at Rutgers University and American University, Annalise is an adjunct professor at West Chester University in the graduate program in training and psychology.  She earned a bachelor of science in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech and a master of arts in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from West Chester University. She is a certified Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation.

Sample Attending Organizations

  • Amerian Express          
  • ESPN
  • Johnson & Johnson 
  • NJ Judiciary
  • Bloomberg, LP
  • Morgan Stanley 
  • XFL
  • Ralph Lauren
  • Indeed
  • Audible, Inc.
  • Harvard Medical School-Office of Human Resources

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